The mastermind to help you simplify & scale your studio for

growth, impact & profit.

Want Results like these?

"The small cohort size is exactly what I need to stay focused and make real progress! Perfect balance of 1:1 personal attention, keeping me accountable & guiding me every step of the way."

"Our student retention has dramatically improved, and our revenue has increased by over $110,000 and counting."

"We not only won the Customer Service Excellence Award at a national conference, but also achieved a remarkable 55% increase in turnover, adding $200,000 in just 12 months."

I See You...

You're working day and night, dedicating yourself to your studio, determined to bring your dance business dreams to life.

You are the heart of your dance studio. You’ve built a space for creativity, but you are also seeking a strategic move for not only growth but also a boost in your income.

You feel like there’s a ‘secret’, or, an ‘easier way,’ and you’ve done all you can to find out what it is. Free resources, Podcasts? Training? Programs? But it still not any clearer!

You’ve questioned whether it’s worth it…to keep going…but you don’t quit because deep down, you feel a calling to sharing your passion, with a strong inner knowing that there's a reason you're meant to forge ahead.

You have a dream bigger than you.

And you’ve decided you’re ready to go all in.

How the Dance Studio Scaled Mastermind Works

When you join, you’ll become part of a small, focused group of high-achieving studio owners who meet twice a month. Together, we dive deep into the challenges and opportunities within your business, working through practical solutions in real-time. You'll benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the group, while also receiving monthly personalised coaching with me to help you grow your studio with confidence.

What's Included?

Daily Coaching

Get support every business day through our private portal, where you'll have direct access to me and the entire mastermind community.

Bi-Weekly Hot-Seat Coaching Calls

Every two weeks, dive into focused, small-group sessions with me to work through your current challenges.

Monthly 1:1 Coaching

Receive a private, tailored coaching call every month to address your studio’s specific needs and accelerate your progress.

Bi-Monthly Specialist Training Calls

Learn from top experts in the industry during these exclusive training sessions, designed to keep your studio competitive.

3-Day Retreat

Enjoy a balance of business breakthroughs and downtime at our annual retreat—where you’ll get both learning and leisure.

Ongoing Support You Can Count On

Quarterly 90-Day Business Recommendations

Every 90 days, receive a tailored project plan to ensure your goals are aligned and your studio is growing.

Monthly Studio Numbers Analysis

Keep your finger on the pulse of your studio’s performance with our monthly reviews.

Complete Access to the Resources & Templates Library

Get full access to all the resources you need, from templates to tools, to streamline your operations.

The mastermind is capped at a limited number of studio owners to ensure everyone gets personalised attention.

If you’re ready to take your studio to the next level, don’t wait—reach out now to secure your spot.

No Long-Term Commitment Required

We’re switching to a rolling membership model, so you’re not locked into a 12-month agreement.

If you decide it’s time to step away, just provide 2 weeks’ notice, and your payments will stop.

It’s my passion to build long-lasting relationships with my clients.

I love seeing both personal and professional growth as we work together through the years.

Sound like something you are ready for?

I'm Jen

I'm living proof that when you make your success non-negotiable, it can unfold faster than you imagine...

Just over 13 years ago I was sitting in my studio office DREAMING of working with someone who could step into my business and guide me (and tell me!) what I should be doing next to grow.

There was no one to ask, heck, I didn’t even know the right questions to ask.

I knew I was meant for more. I wanted to keep increasing my student numbers, open more venues, build and lead a team of dedicated and competent teachers, but I lacked a clear roadmap. Immersing myself in #allthethings, attempting to do it all without the right support, and allowing pride to guide me led to burnout, a path I wouldn't wish for anyone.

But once I overcame this, my business started to thrive…

My studio completely transformed. What changed? I sought the guidance of experienced people who paved the way before me.

In doing so, I was able to grow my student numbers beyond 1000, expand to 6 locations and lead a team of 30+ teachers and staff…and the best part was I ten times my income and hit the $1m mark.

Now, I’m able to spend my time supporting and coaching other studio owners who want to do the same.

…and I want this for you too. So, so badly.

And here’s where I want to be completely honest with you:

I WISH this mastermind had existed before I created it in 2023

I’d searched for a mastermind of high-achieving studio owners lead by someone who had walked in my shoes, faced the same challenges, and intimately knew my business inside out, who I could collaborate with and help me build the business I wanted.

I Wanted a Mastermind That...

No Non-sense & Results Focused

Was no-nonsense, results-focused, and propelled me to take inspired, consistent action in my dance studio journey.

Coaching Support

Had coaching support directly from the facilitator, ensuring a personalised touch instead of solely working with support coaches who may lack a deep understanding of my dance business.

Creative Community

Attracted a creative community of high-vibe, committed, and heart-centered dance studio owners to collaborate with, learn from, and thrive alongside.


Only included a small number of guest coaches, allowing me to build momentum by working with coaches deeply invested in and knowledgeable about MY dance studio—not drowning in a sea of generic online content.

Personalised for Me and My Studio

That didn't rely on cookie-cutter solutions but instead was led by someone who listened, understood my unique dance studio, and stood in MY corner as I built my business. Someone providing a process that resonated and made sense specifically for ME.

What People Are Saying

"Working with Jen has helped me to find the balance between my personal life and business responsibilities in the way that it has clearly identified my values and priorities, which in turn has instigated decisions to restructure staffing, scheduling or reframe my thoughts and expectations to reflect what is important to me.

I've had an increase in income of nearly $3000/week & our Minis Program has doubled from 6 classes on offer per week to 12 classes on offer per week, with 11 classes at full capacity."

"I've increased my income by $33,000!!

Jen is an invaluable resource in helping me achieve my business goals. She has provided me with practical and actionable advice in helping me develop a clear plan for success.

I am grateful for the guidance and support Jen has provided throughout our time together, and I look forward to seeing what is yet to come."

Bri - QLD

"Working with Jen has been transformative for both my personal growth and the success of my business. With her guidance, we not only won the Customer Service Excellence Award at a national conference, but also achieved a remarkable 55% increase in turnover, adding $200,000 in just 12 months.

Under her mentorship, our studio smoothly ran our concert, while I enjoyed the show from the audience, a testament to the effective systems we’ve implemented. Jen has also been instrumental in expanding our operations to a second venue, launching two new businesses within the industry, and growing our student base by 100, all in under 12 months.

Her support has empowered me to handle tough conversations, inspired me to pursue new opportunities, and helped me find a balance I once thought unattainable. Thanks to Jen, I am more confident and motivated than ever."

Renae – WA

"Joining Dance Studio Scaled has been an incredible experience.

The course's small cohort size is exactly what I needed to stay focused and make real progress. Jen provides the perfect balance of one-on-one personal attention, keeping me accountable and guiding me every step of the way.

Her support, along with the encouragement and collaboration from the group, has been invaluable. I love that every question is met with thoughtful ideas and perspectives, creating a truly supportive learning environment.

I’m so grateful for the clarity, encouragement, and personal attention this course offers!"

"My growth is mind blowing...

Previous End of Year Enrolments (+50)

2022 - 170

2023 - 220

Starting Enrolments - day 1 of term 1 (+140)

2023 - 100

2024 - 205 (240 by end of Wk 1)

Booked Trials (+65)

2023 - Approx. 10

2024 - 75

A reflection of my journey since joining you!!"

Steph & Liz - NSW

“Working with Jen has been a complete game-changer for our business.

Since working with Jen, we’ve finally achieved our long-term student number goal, something we had been striving towards for a number of years. Our student retention has dramatically improved, and our revenue has increased by over $110,000 and counting.

But more than just the numbers, Jen has given us the confidence to truly step into the role of CEOs and make the tough decisions that have helped our studio succeed.

We are incredibly grateful for Jen’s guidance and expertise!”

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce the...

Dance Studio Scaled Mastermind

This is a 12-month experience where you, me and a small number of high-achieving studio owners work together to simplify, streamline, and scale your studio.

"Jen Dalton is a leading authority in dance business education. She has crafted easy to navigate processes that anyone could follow to expand their studio. Jen is insightful and wise in her approach and looks at the individual and the industry wholistically. She is changing the landscape of dance business education and this opportunity is one not to miss if you want to become the best you can be for your own growth and that of your studio."

Emma Franklin Bell – Central Coast Australia

“My biggest struggle as a studio owner is confidence in my decision making - so it's been wonderful having someone to discuss pros and cons with before making big choices. Her experience means that everything has been tried/seen everything done in a million ways, so you can suggest ways of doing things that would suit my personal style well.

The process is easy! I was nervous for our first session - but Jen quickly and easily determined where I was on my journey and asked excellent questions to prompt me on where I'd like to go. Having the freedom to discuss what I feel would benefit me most on the day of each session is wonderful, but having you guide what I need to be doing short term has been excellent to keep me on track (not jumping way ahead and forgetting the little steps).

It's amazing having someone with so much experience in my corner, and I'm looking forward to continuing. I would highly recommend Jen to anyone looking to make their life easier, and goals bigger!”

Dana – NSW Australia

“Working for yourself can feel incredibly isolating, and not having anyone to bounce ideas off is hard. The community is led by Jen’s passion and knowledge and boosted by the wonderful the other phenomenal studio owners in it. Jen’s coaching is always informative and full of many pearls of wisdom, and she is always very approachable and realistic with her advice and suggestions.

With Jen’s guidance I am regularly increasing my enrolments and have tailored my offerings so that they suit what is best not only for my customers, but also for me and my family. I am looking forward to a long professional relationship and continued growth with Jen’s support. If you are sitting on the fence about making this investment, jump on in – you won’t regret it.”

Melinda – VIC, Australia

“If you’re looking for someone to help guide you through your studio owner journey and help you excel in every way possible, then you seriously need to consider working with Jen. Before working with Jen,
I was overwhelmed and struggled to compartmentalise the many things on my to-do list. As most would know, there are so many different areas of business management that you need to consider, but
the training and coaching gave me very clear and precise steps forward
that I could actually follow.

Jen shares her knowledge and wisdom so selflessly and doesn’t hold anything back. She truly cares about you and where YOU want the studio to go and helps give the practical tools to make it happen. As a result of her systems and strategies,
I have been able to grow my student numbers higher than ever before this year
and have also increased profitability across the business."

Tash – NSW Australia

A total value of: (Amount)

Buy/Enroll/Join now for just (Amount)

Are you ready to simplify and scale your studio, for more growth, impact and profit?

THIS mastermind is for you!

Book in a call to get started


Who is eligible to be in the Mastermind?

The dance studio scaled mastermind is for studios with over 250 students OR that have been running for 5+ years. 

What is a suitability call?

A suitability call is a 1:1 zoom call with Jen to the the sign up process by discussing what the mastermind can offer you and your studio.

When does the next intake start?

The next intake for the Dance Studio Scaled Mastermind begins in March 2024 

How do I book a suitability call to learn more about the Dance Studio Scaled Mastermind?

Press the "Book call now" button and book in via the calendar so schedule a 1:1 meeting with Jen.

How many participants are accepted in each intake?

To ensure an intimate and immersive experience, each intake is limited to a maximum of 16 participants. This allows for personalised attention and a strong sense of community.

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